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Old 03-09-10, 04:53 PM   #21
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Originally Posted by wessongroup
Equal parts: white rum
golden rum
dark rum
apricot brandy
pineapple juice
papaya juice
highest proof tequila available
dash of grenadine

Stir and pour over ice
Old 03-09-10, 07:44 PM   #22
La Guera
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

I think somebody has been drinking the spiked punch. Now I just read that I am a fifty something bearded man from Cypress who works for the power company? That is one very disturbed individual over on bajanomad. I have seen forum trolls before but this guy is really whacked! Well, I guess I'd better let my mom know that they got it all wrong on my birth certificate!

Come to think about it, my dad did want a boy.
Old 03-09-10, 07:54 PM   #23
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

The more the troll is fed the more it grows...
Old 03-09-10, 08:21 PM   #24
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Attached Images
Old 03-10-10, 09:41 AM   #25
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Trolls can be a slippery group and their goal is ultimately always the same - to disrupt. I found it amusing that the arrowhead character on Nomad posted that everybody was being taken for a ride - especially after I noticed a couple of small details when I re-read the thread. They mentioned a banned nomad user called Tony Powers who was another "five o'clock charlie" trying to locate a guy named Charles Levitin. Then in another post arrowhead proceeded to give their own dial-up IP later in the thread.

The name Tony Powers rang a bell and searching back in the logs I found a user who logged on here on our forum and created a username of TonyPowers almost immediately after the user was created on Nomad and the thread was posted by them. Guess what IP address was logged to TonyPowers by our server? Almost identical to the one that arrowhead listed on Nomad. Dial up IP's are rare today and to log one that is only a couple of digits off on the very last number is very revealing.

If you look at the TonyPowers user here you will see that they show zero posts. Actually they tried to create one post here after the fulano thread was started on Nomad but was held up in new user moderation que. As it was seen as an attack on another member and the first post of a new user, the moderators here decided not to approve it. I will and here is their post in a response to ELINVESTIG8R:

Originally Posted by TonyPowers
Hey David. Remember about a year or two ago when you had a complete and total mental breakdown on BajaNomads and Doug had to ban you from posting for a month? Just thought I would remind you. I see you are cleaning the windows in your glass house.

Seems pretty clear to me that this is all the same person, playing both sides of the fence and their only objective is to create havoc. You all can choose to believe whatever you like but I personally don't believe any of the crap they posted on that thread on Nomad or elsewhere. It's all smoke and mirrors and the longer you continue to engage them the more they get off on it. I have simply decided that they are a waste of my time and I have plenty of other things to keep me busy.

The cement mixer broke down yesterday on the second run meaning we had to break out what was already poured and spent the rest of the day getting it fixed, cleaning up the mess and will start again this morning. Will post some progress photos later...
Old 03-10-10, 10:22 AM   #26
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Hey I remember that meltdown Tony Powers mentions!

I forgot to add this: Jesus lovesMe Us this I know for the bible tells me so.
Old 03-10-10, 12:37 PM   #27
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Originally Posted by La Guera
I think somebody has been drinking the spiked punch. Now I just read that I am a fifty something bearded man from Cypress who works for the power company? That is one very disturbed individual over on bajanomad. I have seen forum trolls before but this guy is really whacked! Well, I guess I'd better let my mom know that they got it all wrong on my birth certificate!

Come to think about it, my dad did want a boy.
Was laughing sooo hard... didn't care if you were or weren't... the multidirectional aspects of the thread were just too funny to me..

Plus, the mental picture of you and Dennis walking down the street in matching Ruby Red slippers was just to funny.. didn't matter if you were male or female .... or Dennis was either...

To bad Doug, didn't let the picture stay up.... as you folks did here... much more tolerant view on posting here at TalkBaja ... and it is greatly appreciated.. allows a lot more discussion and fun...

Well, who ever you are, enjoy the posting ... as do I of all the others here... thanks to all

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Old 03-10-10, 02:13 PM   #28
La Guera
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Thanks Wiley. I will share something else that is funny - when he first accused me of being a bearded man my mind went back a few decades when as a teenage girl I wanted to start shaving my legs. My dad told me not to else I would end up looking like my great aunt. She was in her 80's and had a definite mustache going on.
Old 03-10-10, 03:01 PM   #29
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

One of the things that folks should be aware of is that the aforementioned troll-in-chief seemingly selects victims at random. so it's best to not overreact if it happens to you. It's happened to me. And just the other day, one of the nicest guys on nomad, toneart got jumped for what seemed to me no reason. Just be careful over there.
Old 03-10-10, 03:33 PM   #30
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

What a kerfuffle that was. Wow!
Old 03-10-10, 03:55 PM   #31
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Originally Posted by Bajahowodd
One of the things that folks should be aware of is that the aforementioned troll-in-chief seemingly selects victims at random. so it's best to not overreact if it happens to you. It's happened to me. And just the other day, one of the nicest guys on nomad, toneart got jumped for what seemed to me no reason. Just be careful over there.

I for one do not understand why Doug allows such attacks, there is absolutely no reason to let someone so obviously imbalanced continue other than to improve page views. That is just my 2 cents...
Old 03-10-10, 04:09 PM   #32
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

My own take on it is that the person who shall remain nameless happens to be a lawyer. There is, at least, an implicit threat of legal retaliation.
Old 03-10-10, 05:10 PM   #33
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Default Threat of legal retaliation

Originally Posted by Bajahowodd
My own take on it is that the person who shall remain nameless happens to be a lawyer. There is, at least, an implicit threat of legal retaliation.
Have at it... haven't been a lawsuit for a few years.. would be a welcomed change of pace..

Would really like to see how the court that would view "internet" name calling.....

Plus the penalties which would be imposed by same.... saw the chapter and verse...

Intrastate Commerce was sited for potential liability... good luck on that one..

Anyone can sue...

And for the discussion on the other board in off topic, haven't seen that much difference.. there is a couple that generate the most.. but, I feel they have a good time messing around with a good "cut" session...

Some of the stuff is down right good.. good tail twisting on the "faces" in the news.. all are fair game.. if you go public.. you are fair game.. my self included...

Which is the way it should be.. freedom to express your personal thoughts and defend them the best you can.. hopefully with facts and the use of same.. to present your point and/or position..

It's all good..
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Old 03-10-10, 05:19 PM   #34
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

In my opinion, that other off-topic place is too much of a hot bed for racism and, in fact, other isms and way to many of the posts are drenched in a palpable disdain for others' political affiliation. It is highly unlikely that anyone posting on sites such as these is actually going to change someone else's point of view. That said, there just doesn't seem to be any respect for a different point of view. Zero.
Old 03-10-10, 05:40 PM   #35
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Well that pretty much says it... "In my opinion"... if you truly believe that way go for it...

I don't see so much "racism" as a dissatisfaction with the overall direction our Courts have taken the United States of America...

That direction includes many, many issues which many folks have opinions on, and in most cases can't even talk about them any longer without a "label" of racism being applied..

In many cases it is not a matter of race, rather a culture which is perhaps what some do not wish to see progress any further.

Much like what is just happening in Canada, right now.. In Canada they too are stating that they the French Canadians wish to retain their culture.. and have insisted that minority rights (Muslim in this case) shall not be paramount over the majority..

I believe there is a sound distinction between racism and a preference for ones culture.. Much like what has happen the United States..

Many Americans have decided they would rather identify with a cultural that is not the culture of the United States.. is that there right, yes it is if they are Americans first..

Then other comes second, you are, if your reside in the United States and are a citizen you are an American first, not French, German, African, etc...

Think that is more to the point.. does racism exists.. of course.. will it ever go away, most likely not in my life nor in the near future ...

And I think dissent on these issues is far more beneficial than not having it out in the open for discussion and review ....

Thanks for the post
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Last edited by wessongroup; 03-10-10 at 06:17 PM.
Old 03-10-10, 05:56 PM   #36
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

I'm still enjoying the idea that the troll-in-chief sits all night, with her cup of Postum and Presidente just cursing the speed of her dial-up connection.
Old 03-10-10, 06:07 PM   #37
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Originally Posted by Bajahowodd
I'm still enjoying the idea that the troll-in-chief sits all night, with her cup of Postum and Presidente just cursing the speed of her dial-up connection.
Maybe IT has never heard of WiFi
Old 03-10-10, 07:36 PM   #38
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Good to see you guys are over here. I'll be staying on this board from now on lets just say Doug and I are not seeing eye to eye on that Arrowhead BS. At any rate It's good to be back see you at Cantiles. I will be the one siting next to J.C. Drinking a zombie-

Peace out fellow Baja lovers
See you around.
Old 03-10-10, 08:08 PM   #39
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

We'll ask Nick which one you are then Great Sunday Brunch too
Originally Posted by Mexicorn
Good to see you guys are over here. I'll be staying on this board from now on lets just say Doug and I are not seeing eye to eye on that Arrowhead BS. At any rate It's good to be back see you at Cantiles. I will be the one siting next to J.C. Drinking a zombie-

Peace out fellow Baja lovers
See you around.
Old 03-10-10, 08:15 PM   #40
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Attention All TalkBaja Zombies!!!

Originally Posted by Mexicorn
...lets just say Doug and I are not seeing eye to eye on that...
Are you shitting me, bro? He demonstrated some superhuman restraint in the middle of all that crap.

I would've cut it off after the first dozen-or-so nasties.

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