Moving to Baja Full/Part Time Should we? How to Do It? Moving Furniture, etc...

Old 11-10-09, 11:30 AM   #1
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A longtime online friend, Rolly Brook collaborated to write a How-To Book on Moving to Mexico. If you don't know of Rolly, he has lived in Durango for many years and provided a website giving great information for Gringos living in Mexico or thinking about moving to Mexico.

Cristina and I are very honored to have our story included as the closing to the book. I wish Rolly much success with he book's sales.

(No - we were not paid - ha!)



1. Why we say this is The Best How-To Book on Moving to Mexico

In this chapter: The attraction of a new lifestyle and culture. The decisions you’ll face. Our experience helping others make the move. A predictor for your happiness in Mexico. We tell you both the laws and what we and many expats have experienced dealing with these laws.

2. You really are considering moving to a different country

In this chapter: a brief geological and historical look at Mexico to give you some perspective on the forces that have made Mexico what it is today. You are joining 10,000 years of complex history and evolution, not a static postcard Mexico.

3. Is it really a quarter to a third cheaper to live in Mexico?

In this chapter: It’s mostly true, you can live 25-33% cheaper in Mexico, depending on how you choose to live. What costs higher and lower? Property taxes of a few hundred dollars a year are your biggest potential savings, followed by cheaper and tastier local fruits and veggies. Very little heating, A/C is rare. The minimum monthly income for an FM3 residential visa. Living like a middle class Mexican family versus importing an upper class US or Canadian lifestyle. Sample budget for a single person living on $1,350 USD/month income. Housing costs in Lerdo, Durango, compared to those in more expensive expat haven San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Comparison chart of 28 sample grocery prices in similar Dallas and San Miguel de Allende supermarkets.

4. Health care, most likely your main worry

In this chapter: Cost of doctors, ERs and hospital care. Differences in health care in Mexico. Medical tourism. Medicare and Canadian health care programs. Keeping Medicare Part B. Varying quality of care. The two government hospital systems and private hospitals. Applying for IMSS. Private insurance plans. Medical evacuation companies. Different attitudes toward prescription drugs. Hospices, living wills, medical power of attorneys, prepaid funeral plans. Living in Mexico with disabilities and with HIV/AIDS. Allergies, amoebas and food poisoning. Dentistry. Vision care. Alternative and holistic medicine. Rolly’s experience in a Hospital Angeles ER. Carol’s detailed report on having two knee replacement surgeries in Querétaro.

5. Staying Healthy in Mexico

In this chapter: Careful walking. Turista. Water safety. Purifying produce. Street vendors. Immunizations. Mexico’s response to the flu epidemic.

6. Crime and Personal Safety

In this chapter: The drug wars and will they involve you? Expats usually feel safer in Mexico than they did in much of the US. Putting crime in perspective. A few border cities versus the rest of Mexico. To pay or not to pay a traffic policeman a mordida (bribe) in the rare case you may be asked. Differences in the police and judicial hierarchy and in the underlying legal principles in Mexico. The most likely crimes you might experience—“mustard” bandits, pickpockets, money scams. Taxis. Cultural differences and special issues of gays and lesbians, women, and people of color. Common sense preventions for street safety and home security. Don’t let stereotypes and fears prevent you from pursuing your dreams.


7. What’s your closest fit?

In this chapter: Figuring out what you really want in a new home location. How Rolly and Carol and Norma made their decisions. The varied kinds of lifestyles you can live in a city with many expats, compared to how you might live in a town where you are the sole expat. A trip around the country looking at potential relocation areas in all of the 31 states and the Federal District (Mexico City). Special cities: the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Mexico, and Mexico’s Pueblos Mágicos (Magical Cities).


8. Visas, pet permits

In this chapter: What is a visa and which one is right for you? How do you get one? Meeting the financial requirements. If you think you might want to make the move permanently and perhaps eventually become a dual Mexican citizen, what should you do differently? How do you bring your pets, whether driving or flying? In Mexico will you be able to get your pets’ favorite food, vet care, boarding? Finding a pet-friendly hotel on the road. “No tell” motels. The Mexican consulates in the US and Canada. The Canadian and US consulates in Mexico.

9. Moving your “stuff” isn’t easy

In this chapter: To use a menaje de casa or not. Bringing all your household versus having a garage sale and buying new in Mexico. Dealing with a moving company. What you can’t include in your packing for a moving company. Duty-free items. Prohibited items. Passport regulations. Which lane to choose at the border if you’re driving—to declare or not. Customs brokers if needed. Should you take a chance and drive through the Nothing to Declare lane? Shipping by sea. Rolly’s sample menaje de casa.

10. Bringing in your vehicle legally

In this chapter: Only one vehicle is allowed in your name. 10-year permits for RV motor homes. What you need for the Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit of a foreign-plated vehicle. Getting the permit online. Article 106, in English and Spanish, to carry with you in your car. Emissions testing. Crazy not to get liability insurance. Getting Mexican plates (nationalizing) your car. Should you buy a Mexican-plated car when you arrive instead? What should you consider for a car to use in Mexico? Do you really need a car? Different rules for Baja.


11. Keeping a Car in Mexico

In this chapter: Driving is different in Mexico. A day without a car policy in Mexico City. Car insurance. What to do in a car accident. Some insurance companies. Motorcycles and RVs. Rental cars.

12. Your new home

In this chapter: Some new terms—fraccionamientos, ejidos, fideicomisos, notario públicos. How to find an inexpensive apartment. Buying, building and remodeling. Overseeing employees and the construction process.

13. Employee Law

In this chapter: Hiring a housekeeper, gardener or other employees. Work permits for yourself. Renting out property. Starting a business. Teaching English.

14. Fitting in

In this chapter: Learning Spanish. Banking and ATMs. Phones. Internet. Mexican cable and satellite TV. Educating your children. Dealing with poverty around you. Stray animals. Shopping. Cooking techniques and food substitutions. Staying out of politics. The peso mentality. INAPAM card. The Mexican bus system. Cultural jolts. Differences in holidays and celebrations. Getting married. A final love story to Mexico.

Order the book directly here or from
Old 11-10-09, 01:10 PM   #2
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So which part is about you: staying out of politics or falling in love and getting married?
Old 11-10-09, 03:30 PM   #3
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I'll have to get the book once we're settled and read about how we could have avoided all the things we're about to do wrong in the upcoming weeks
Old 11-10-09, 04:58 PM   #4
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Just the book cover alone makes me want to go to Mexico!! Of course, it doesn't take much to get me to Mexico. Last week DW and I returned from an 8 day cruise to Acapulco, Zihuatanejo and Manzanillo. Baja Gringo.... I waved at you as we were northbound. Told the wife..."That's where we should be".
Old 11-11-09, 10:37 AM   #5
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I have somehow avoided staying out of politics up until now. As my citizenship appears to be coming very soon I have felt a little pressure from friends here who are PAN/PRI/PRD. I think I will play it safe and just register with the Partido Verde!

Funny thing about our story of meeting, falling in love and marriage is that since I first wrote the article I have received hundreds of emails from folks with questions and wanting to share their own story. Love is a powerful force indeed. We do feel honored to have our story included as the closing to the book.

BigWooo - don't sweat it too much. Somehow things have their own way of working themselves out as long as you can keep a sense of humor through it all. You guys will do just fine.

Thanks Ralph - did you see us wave back???

Old 11-12-09, 10:39 AM   #6
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BG, Funny you should ask.....the ship has a large tv screen showing the ships current position....and I just kinda guessed where Lomas de San Martin was and waved. DW and I noticed a bright, silvery reflection coming from your direction. Wife said '"The sun must be reflecting off some mighty big glass windows". I told her no...its just Baja Gringo smiling(or the sun reflecting off of one mother of a margarita glass!!) and life is GOOD!!!!
Old 11-12-09, 07:53 PM   #7
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Ralph - There's a glass with your name on it with a salted rim waiting for you the next time you pass by....

Old 02-02-10, 11:57 PM   #8
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I've really been enjoying this book the last few is at once affirming and also a bit frightening to think of the leap but also exciting as hell.
I can't wait to make the move. It looks like where I want to end up I will definitely have to simplify my life, which is soooo desirable.
I think the American Dream is rapidly being flushed down the dumper and I don't want my children suffering the consequences of the dumbing down of America and it's workforce and general populace.
Soon it will be the big adios.
Old 02-03-10, 06:48 AM   #9
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Soulpatch, you have just got to calm down, I'm not sure I've heard of this much excitement, since my kid open his present on Christmas and found he had gotten the Millennium Falcon... just kidding.. I'm so old I don't get excited about anything... I'm jelous.. you have a great time.. glad you are so excited about it... just remember, it can bite... but, your training should kick in when it should (I hope)
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Old 02-03-10, 11:51 AM   #10
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It is an exciting step in life but you will do fine. I love the simple life - you may find as I have that you actually add many years to your life once you step off the frenzied rat race up north.

Looking forward to hearing how your journey progresses...

Originally Posted by soulpatch
I've really been enjoying this book the last few is at once affirming and also a bit frightening to think of the leap but also exciting as hell.
I can't wait to make the move. It looks like where I want to end up I will definitely have to simplify my life, which is soooo desirable.
I think the American Dream is rapidly being flushed down the dumper and I don't want my children suffering the consequences of the dumbing down of America and it's workforce and general populace.
Soon it will be the big adios.
Old 02-04-10, 11:06 AM   #11
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With your world experience this should be like watching a kindergartner learn to read.
We are not giving up on the 'Roo, yet. We are going to take a hard look at Chetumal. With the weather patterns there the "most uncomfortable" times look to be some of the better times to be in baja......or elsewhere, who the heck knows.
Old 02-04-10, 11:13 AM   #12
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Just keep your mind open and explore...
Old 02-04-10, 11:23 AM   #13
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Default Re: We are officially in print...

12. Your new home

In this chapter: Some new terms—fraccionamientos, ejidos, fideocomisos

I know it's nitpicking, but when you're going to publish, you have to proof-read the words Spell Check can't handle.
Old 02-04-10, 11:31 AM   #14
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I agree Dennis - that kind of stuff drives me nuts. (fixed it) I only wrote the last section of the last chapter. The chapter description I just copied and pasted it over....
Old 02-04-10, 04:35 PM   #15
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Ron I'm buying the book just to read your story. When I come down in May I want your autograph and that of your lovely wife on the part you guys wrote. Deal!

Edit: I just went over and bought it!
I David Elinvestig8r M. do hereby exercise my rights under the First Amendment to freely express myself here on TalkBaja in as much as I am allowed to do so by BajaGringo! Well...

Last edited by ELINVESTIG8R; 02-04-10 at 04:40 PM.
Old 02-04-10, 05:47 PM   #16
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Default Re: We are officially in print...

Originally Posted by ELINVESTIG8R
Ron I'm buying the book just to read your story. When I come down in May I want your autograph and that of your lovely wife on the part you guys wrote. Deal!

Edit: I just went over and bought it!
Autograph? Gee, I'd better get me an agent...

Old 02-04-10, 09:22 PM   #17
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I can see it now! Ron at a book signing table with a sign saying "$25.00 Per Autograph" and me asking the question "Is that Pesos Ron?" and Ron saying "Oh no David, that will be Dollars!" Ay Dios Mio! I know, I know it's time for me!
I David Elinvestig8r M. do hereby exercise my rights under the First Amendment to freely express myself here on TalkBaja in as much as I am allowed to do so by BajaGringo! Well...
Old 02-05-10, 06:56 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by BajaGringo
Ralph - There's a glass with your name on it with a salted rim waiting for you the next time you pass by....

And I'm sorry to say, that I have yet to make up one of those "Cadillac Margarita" that you say are not too bad .....

Has just been a bad couple of months for me.. old man stuff, to where I would have been really stupid to start drinking in my condition..

But, it is on my agenda still... but, just one off topic question.. what Tequila do you drink.. in these

And we are hoping to be able to go down that way, soon.. it should really be pretty with all this rain.. would like to see it all greened up..
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Old 02-10-10, 06:46 AM   #19
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I haven't been able to read anything else lately unless its referring to moving to Mexico. So I just ordered the book from Amazon Canada. I figure a couple of weeks.

Soulpatch did you finish it? Still got the jitters?

Old 02-10-10, 10:26 AM   #20
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I have not finished the book yet. I am currently in the section about the different types of immigrant status.
I've had too much of that work and labor representation thing going on to read as much as I want.
I don't know if jitters is the right word but rather, anticipation for a slowdown and shift in responsibilities. That whole waiting game thing......
So, in a nutshell....yeah, I am excited about a paradigm shift.
Does the statement " I would leave yesterday if I could" state effectively enough how I feel?

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