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Old 01-17-10, 03:56 PM   #1
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Default Predatory Animal

Predatory animals are quite a treat; they enjoy putting on camouflage while they are hunting…

In my dogs case his choice of “cammo” is dog crap..

He rolls in it… then goes hunting for what ever.. so far three rats and two gophers that he has "shared" with me

He is “MY DOG” now.. The wife will not give him baths any longer.. It falls on me..

I’m treating it like changing diapers, something I could never do… would make me hurl ever time I tried.. was always told by the wife that I was doing it to get out of doing it.. but it caused a "gag" reflex every time.. as it does to my wife now , when the dog gets back from hunting

So, now it’s my turn taking care of the baby but the rats are gone and so are the gophers too... the yards a bit of a mess, but it will grow back.

And another consideration with him killing gophers, is that is “stabilizes” the ground/banks for decreased erosion and the plants do better also..

This is me giving him a bath in "Irish Spring" body wash yesterday.. after he got back from a hunting trip.. a bit of a down side of the little fella, but he's doing exactly what he was bread for... can't change him, nor do I want to...

But, if your looking to keep "rats" out of your place.. well, the Mexican folks that own the place let him go anywhere he wants.. they just love him.. as do all the other dogs
He is a star around here.. too funny... but, I still have to clean him when comes back from hunting..
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Last edited by wessongroup; 01-21-10 at 08:33 PM. Reason: add photo back
Old 01-17-10, 04:45 PM   #2
BajaGringo's Avatar
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Default Re: Predatory Animal

Maybe you need to change his diet???

Old 01-17-10, 05:06 PM   #3
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wessongroup is on a distinguished road

Default Re: Predatory Animal

Originally Posted by BajaGringo
Maybe you need to change his diet???

He just had Taco's Carbon.. but, is trying to get outside and it has just started to rain

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