Baja News Wire Latest News from Baja California, Mexico

Old 01-25-10, 12:13 PM   #1
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Post Shootout in Mexico kills 2 soldiers, 4 gunmen (AP)

AP - Authorities say a shootout between troops and suspected drug traffickers in northern Mexico has killed two soldiers and four gunmen.

The Defense Department says the clash began when gunmen opened fire on a military patrol Sunday in the town of Doctor Arroyo, in Nuevo Leon state.

A Defense statement says soldiers returned fire, killing three assailants inside a home and another in a car.

Also Monday, police in Veracruz state said a federal court official kidnapped last week was found dead.

State prosecutor Jose Franyutti said Nayeli Reyes' mutilated body was discovered Sunday in the same residential neighborhood of Boca del Rio where she was abducted.

A threatening note signed by a drug cartel was left with the corpse.

Old 01-25-10, 01:20 PM   #2
Join Date: 04-07-09
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ELINVESTIG8R is on a distinguished road

Default Re: Shootout in Mexico kills 2 soldiers, 4 gunmen (AP)

As I stated in another site, "The Mexican Government cannot afford to PUSSYFOOT around any longer. The more lax the government gets, the worse the problem becomes. Once and for all they need to go en mass and clean out the bad guys city to city town to town village to village rancho to rancho. That way the good people can return to a normal way of living. There needs to be MASSIVE VIOLENCE on the part of the Mexican Armed Forces toward the Narcos. They, the Army need to go in and start killing these scumbags. PERIOD! I say this regardless of the demand for drugs here in the USA. I for one do not use illegal drugs so if the supply is cut off I will not be affected. To hell with the bellyachers politically correct pinheads who say to treat these criminals with kid-gloves. Let them complain all they want. Just get the F-ing job done!"

Was I too harsh in my assessment?

Ok, I know it's tar and feather time for me!

I David Elinvestig8r M. do hereby exercise my rights under the First Amendment to freely express myself here on TalkBaja in as much as I am allowed to do so by BajaGringo! Well...

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