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Old 04-09-10, 10:22 AM   #1
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Post Informant in Mexican drug war freed from NY jail (AP)

AP - A former Mexican law enforcement officer who became a drug informant for the United States has been freed from a federal detention center in New York.

Guillermo Ramirez Peyro, known as "Lalo" (LAH'-loh), won a legal victory last month when a Justice Department immigration board ruled against efforts to deport him to Mexico. The board said he would be tortured and possibly killed.

Ramirez was being held outside Buffalo in Batavia (buh-TAY'-vee-ah). His attorney, Steve Cohen, says he was put on a plane to New Mexico on Thursday night over Cohen's objections. The lawyer wanted Ramirez to remain in New York while he tries to get a green card.

Ramirez informed on the violent Juarez (HWAH'-rez) cartel for Immigration and Customs Enforcement until 2004, when authorities said he supervised a murder. Ramirez denies that.


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