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Old 07-27-10, 03:53 AM   #1
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Post Gulf focus shifts, but where is all the oil? (AFP)

AFP - With BP's leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico finally capped, the focus shifts to the surface clean-up and the question on everyone's lips is: where is all the oil?

Old 07-27-10, 07:24 AM   #2
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Gulf focus shifts, but where is all the oil? (AFP)

For a real hoot, condense some of the recent MSM explanations:
"...mother nature doing her job...multiple natural forces took care of much of the oil...broke up...broke down...

...the oil has weathered...disappeared, reabsorbed into the environment...baked by 100-degree sun, eaten by microbes, and whipped apart by wind and waves..."
The child's approach to dealing with the undigestible: push those veggies on your plate around enough, and it'll confuse mother(nature) enough into excusing you from the table. Go ahead and split; BP + Coast Guard.

The White House never really was there so they're good as well.
...Did the Gulf of Mexico clean up itself already?...

...nature healed itself faster than we ever expected...

...after the Exxon Valdez, oil can still be found under rocks on the shore, but this is a different situation. The Gulf of Mexico is semi-tropical. Frequent storms, high sun angle, and warm water temperatures between 85F and 90F all contribute the to natural breakdown of oil...

...the Gulf cleanup turned the corner...oil is basically approaching the end of its life cycle...naturally dispersed with help from Mother Nature...
Strip out all the weasel words/other techniques such as framing the above as questions the writer says he is asking, and you get a pretty good idea of what you're supposed to think.
Old 07-27-10, 07:36 AM   #3
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Gulf focus shifts, but where is all the oil? (AFP)

"...Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Teams, SCATs for short..."

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