Baja News Wire Latest News from Baja California, Mexico

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Default Los Zetas Cartel is Responsible for Most Criminal Activity in Mexico

01/02/12 – New research shows that the Los Zetas cartel controls criminal activity, drug trafficking, and extortion in over half of Mexico’s territory. Cuitláhuac Salinas, head of the Assistant Attorney General’s Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime (Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada, SIEDO), presented a map at the National Institute of Penal … Read more

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Join Date: 11-29-11
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Default Re: Los Zetas Cartel is Responsible for Most Criminal Activity in Mexico

How come the United states does not help Mexico more.How come we buy from china a million times more then Mexico. I really have tried to understand why we went to the desert the second time. I was a hard core Republican too. No WMD's , what ever but why would we help China when they want to kill us off. They are our enemy. Like Russia is. Why would we help our enemy be stronger then we are. Somehow we, the united Staes and mexico need to help oneanother on this drug cartel thing. Build a much better relationship.Finish the Fence YES but help each other out. Why do we need China.
Just wondering .

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