Maps of Missions, Trails & El Camino Real The True History of California Starts Here...

Old 05-04-09, 04:23 PM   #1
David K
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Default JESUIT EL CAMINO REAL (Part 1: Santa Maria to San Borja)

The mission trail in California that connected the missions starting in Loreto, reached Santa Maria when the Jesuits were expelled and replaced by the Franciscans in 1768...

The Dominicans replaced the Franciscans in Baja California in 1773 and continued building missions. However, neither the Franciscans or Dominicans built the quality road that the Jesuits had and most of their El Camino Real looks like nothing more than a cattle track.

The Jesuits were removed before they had time to do their typical road work north of San Borja, so the impressive road construction is between San Borja and Loreto. The route and smaller trail can be found using Google Earth satellite images in may places north of San Borja, but some large gaps remain through the harsh desert.

First, some maps drawn from ground observation (north to south):

Howard Gulick, 1954:

Harry Crosby, 1977:

Now, the Camino Real where located on satellite images and pointed out on the Baja Almanac topo maps, Santa Maria to Calamajue... then on a larger map, all the way to San Borja:

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Old 05-13-09, 03:14 PM   #2
David K
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Default Re: JESUIT EL CAMINO REAL (Part 1: Santa Maria to San Borja)

Hi BajaGringo... After I discovered your new(?) forums for Trip Reports and the El Camino Real... I am wondering if these ECR map posts in Baja Norte and Baja Sur belong in (or also in) the ECR forum???
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Old 05-13-09, 03:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: JESUIT EL CAMINO REAL (Part 1: Santa Maria to San Borja)

I would do some work with them, changing the photos to attachments so they fit better. If they are specific to the Missions it might be better if they were there. Let me take a look...
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