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Default San Diego MTS officers entered Mexico in fare probe

San Diego MTS officers entered Mexico in fare probe

By Tanya Sierra, UNION-TRIBUNE
Friday, January 7, 2011 at 7:03 p.m.

Fare fraud has become so rampant for the San Diego Trolley that security officials sent undercover employees to Tijuana to gather intelligence on “wildcatters” who hawk counterfeit tickets or illegally resell passes.

The incursions apparently violated international protocols, according to Mexican officials.

The Metropolitan Transit System, in an effort to combat fare evasion, put together a security detail that produced photos and information about how ticket-selling operations thrive south of the border.

In some cases, they posed as tourists and purchased tickets. Profiteers would typically obtain used day passes that cost $5 from MTS, and resell them for $2 — a reuse that’s illegal per an MTS ordinance.

A ticket sale caught on camera by an MTS investigator sent to Mexico

MTS collects $80 million in fare revenue, and uses its team of inspectors to guard it closely. Officials could not offer an estimate of how much is lost to fraud, given the underground nature of the activity.

Agency spokesman Rob Schupp said international protocols were not a consideration for security staff dealing with the issue.

“Passenger safety and fare evasion are top priorities for MTS,” he said. “It is important to investigate any report of fare evasion or illegal activity.”

A spokesman and international liaison for the Baja California State Police said any time public or private security agents enter Baja California to gather intelligence, they are supposed to check in with local or state authorities.

“The protocol for all law enforcement is to contact Mexican law enforcement to work in conjunction and that includes private security or private investigators,” said the spokesman, Alfredo Arenas.

The issue is not just one of courtesy, Arenas said. Investigators might put themselves in danger if they are mistaken for drug enforcement agents or police officers.

“You don’t just barge in and expect everything to work,” he said. “It’s not safe to ask questions without having someone there to make sure you’re not stepping on the wrong toes.”

Reselling tickets has been a problem for MTS for the last year and a half, Schupp said. When officials first tried to battle the issue, they concentrated on ticket-sellers on the U.S. side of the border. Under pressure, the operation moved south.

Erick Gallardo, who spent almost 11 years with MTS before leaving in August, said the ticket sellers were brazen. As MTS lashed out against them by placing posters with their photos at various trolley stations, they became more aggressive.

“Some of those guys would brag that they would make $500 a day,” Gallardo said. “The ticket sellers would literally get in our officers’ face and say ‘you’re never going to catch us. There’s too many of us.’ It was like fighting the war on drugs. You just couldn’t, they kept multiplying.”

Sending security guards to Mexico to track down information wasn’t a smart move on MTS’ part, Gallardo said.

“It’s very risky because their network had gotten so big they started to threaten the officers,” Gallardo said. “They would say you don’t know who we’re working for and you better watch your back.”

MTS uses two types of security to patrol the trolley lines — fare inspectors, who work for MTS, and security officers who work for a private company MTS contracts with.

Gallardo said the lower-paid security guards were sent on the Mexico operation.

MTS would not say how many times the agency sent employees on security details in Mexico or how many employees participated in the exercise.

The agency’s board members, contacted by The Watchdog, said they were not aware undercover operations were being conducted in Mexico.

“I knew there was an issue of people reselling tickets,” board member and San Diego City Councilman Tony Young said. “At no time do I remember them saying they were going down to Mexico. It was never characterized as an international issue.”

Jerry Rindone, who represents the Chula Vista on the MTS board, said he does not condone sending staffers or affiliates into Mexico without following the proper protocol.

Schupp said “all investigations conducted by MTS are in full compliance with all applicable laws.”


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