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Old 04-05-11, 10:37 AM   #1
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Default Is it something in the water???

What is up with people today?

The bad economy?
Nuclear fallout from Japan?
Decline in fishing in the Sea of Cortez?
The wife took off with the pool guy?

I just can't help but notice that generally people seem to have shorter fuses, hotter tempers and are quick to pick a fight online. Not just here on Baja forums but across many different topic specific sites I see and participate in.

Not exactly certain what is behind it but there is a definite change in the pool temperature...

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Old 04-05-11, 11:30 AM   #2
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

I can only speak for myself but in my case I guess I have had it with unadulterated horseshit and hypocrisy and the ignorant tolerance of it.
But that's just me!
Otherwise? It's a lovely day and I am having some adventures with my kids.
Retired Firefighter in Mexico
Old 04-05-11, 11:32 AM   #3
bob r
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by BajaGringo
What is up with people today?

The bad economy?
Nuclear fallout from Japan?
Decline in fishing in the Sea of Cortez?
The wife took off with the pool guy?

I just can't help but notice that generally people seem to have shorter fuses, hotter tempers and are quick to pick a fight online. Not just here on Baja forums but across many different topic specific sites I see and participate in.

Not exactly certain what is behind it but there is a definite change in the pool temperature...

I was actually going to ask you that!!! That mess on one of the other forums is getting a little long in the tooth and looks like they finally pulled. Pretty personal!!!

What is it?
Old 04-05-11, 01:11 PM   #4
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

It could be personal, but I suspect it is more than that. I am seeing people argue over everything from politics to audio gear. People have always had differences of opinion, but now it seems like it just all goes postal in a heartbeat.

Maybe it just goes back to something I posted a few months back - perhaps we are slowly losing the art of real communication...
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Old 04-05-11, 02:32 PM   #5
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

i have noticed also people being short with others. The thing I like most about this site you can talk about any and every thing.Without the personal attacks.
However I kinda get the drift if you are not from BAJA SUR you are less than?
Old 04-05-11, 02:42 PM   #6
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by BajaGringo just all goes postal in a heartbeat...
Your mother >>> Army boots.

Old 04-05-11, 03:15 PM   #7
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by soulpatch
I can only speak for myself but in my case I guess I have had it with unadulterated horseshit and hypocrisy and the ignorant tolerance of it.
But that's just me!
Otherwise? It's a lovely day and I am having some adventures with my kids.
Oh no, it's not just get off that soapbox before I knock you off in my rush to scramble up there! Get to adventuring with your kids!

I've attempted to adopt an avoidance policy....I read, I react, but I react in the privacy of my own home rather than publicly. In another week or so, I think I'll probably be permanently removing some sites from my bookmarks! The language, animosity, bile & negativity has gotten too deep for my hip waders!

BG, maybe it's because I opted out of TB's off-topic area (i.e., there may very well be an ugly underbelly to this site that I'm blissfully unaware of) but I continue to applaud you for having created & maintaining a much more civil than typical site! Thank you for actively moderating to keep the open forums a safe & sane place to participate. Now if you could hurry up with that online breathalyzer test.....

Comparable to an outside bano for male visitors, I guess I view Off-Topic areas as a men's locker offensive place I'd rather avoid. IMO, the other site has become both rabid & a men's locker room in the main need to go Off-Topic there!!

Civility is something best kept alive & well when used on a regular basis!! Not sure whether it has as much to do with the art of real communication....or simply not giving a rats burro when reading an unknown strangers words & the impact our written words might have on them....I tend to believe it's more the lack of empathy to care!

JP....what on earth led you to believe Norte vs Sur comes into play?? Our esteemed founder lives Norte!
Old 04-05-11, 04:12 PM   #8
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

I could probably write a missive that would be way long and boring dealing with all the factors that affect our civil society today.

But, I'm reminded of the life of my maternal grandmother, born in 1892, whose life span began with the horse as a primary mode of transportation, and witnessed a man landing on the moon before it ended.

Boggles the mind.
Old 04-05-11, 04:16 PM   #9
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Thanks for the kind words but honestly the lion's share of your accolades should be directed to our hard working moderator MC. He really is the juice that keeps the lights on here and I consider him not only to be an essential part of keeping this place going but also a good friend.

Originally Posted by Marty Cortez
Your mother >>> Army boots.

OK, forget everything I just said...

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Old 04-06-11, 06:47 PM   #10
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Oh, I think MC knows his efforts are much appreciated!

You must be good appears he's met your mother as well!
Old 04-06-11, 08:13 PM   #11
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

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Old 04-06-11, 08:19 PM   #12
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Well.....uh....guys....while I'm not a stickler for pc type stuff,,,,it occurs that these days there are a lot of chillun who are quite proud that their mothers wear army boots....YOU DODDERING OLD FOOLS!
Old 04-06-11, 11:43 PM   #13
Marty Cortez
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by dusty
Well.....uh....guys....while I'm not a stickler for pc type stuff,,,,it occurs that these days there are a lot of chillun who are quite proud that their mothers wear army boots....YOU DODDERING OLD FOOLS!
I meant it as a compliment...
Old 04-07-11, 05:45 AM   #14
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

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Old 04-07-11, 06:19 AM   #15
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Is that your mother or your hair stylist? I do see a family resemblance!
Old 04-07-11, 06:22 AM   #16
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Well, you know mom is Swedish...
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Old 04-07-11, 08:05 AM   #17
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by BajaGringo
What is up with people today?

The bad economy?
Nuclear fallout from Japan?
Decline in fishing in the Sea of Cortez?
The wife took off with the pool guy?

I just can't help but notice that generally people seem to have shorter fuses, hotter tempers and are quick to pick a fight online. Not just here on Baja forums but across many different topic specific sites I see and participate in.

Not exactly certain what is behind it but there is a definite change in the pool temperature...

What are you talking about... POUND SAND
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Old 04-07-11, 11:29 AM   #18
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Having been in the U.S. now for a couple of days, I can see where the short fuses come from.

Just spent 1 hour 40 minutes on the phone with the IRS. I was referred to 4 different phone numbers (each with a long phone tree), and put on hold f-o-r-e-v-e-r before I finally found someone that could help me...only to find out the notice I received was sent in error!

Took 2.5 hours to drive 50 miles on the 405 fwy.
Next day took 1:45 to drive 42 miles on the 5 fwy.

Was promised an order we made would ship tomorrow, for the last two weeks. Needless to say it was cancelled.

Spent 100 dollars to full up my gas tank, that was already 1/4 full.

Tried to call the City I worked for to get some info I need for a form I need to fill out. Waited 10 minutes on hold twice, and was disconnected two times before I finally reached a "voicemail box" 25 minutes after I made the first call. Still waiting for a call back that probably won't come.

...and this was an example of only two days.

Traffic up here is horrible, and It seems to me there's too few people trying to carry workloads that are overwhelming them, while many others have no work. If I still lived here, I'd be grumpy too.
Old 04-07-11, 11:32 AM   #19
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

Originally Posted by BajaGringo
What is up with people today?

The bad economy?
Nuclear fallout from Japan?
Decline in fishing in the Sea of Cortez?
The wife took off with the pool guy?

I just can't help but notice that generally people seem to have shorter fuses, hotter tempers and are quick to pick a fight online. Not just here on Baja forums but across many different topic specific sites I see and participate in.

Not exactly certain what is behind it but there is a definite change in the pool temperature...

I think alot of people feel empowered by the internet. They can say whatever they want without having to look the person in the eye. There are no consequences to their actions. The internet has no body language, pitch or tone. I know all caps means you're yelling etc...but unless somebody types in a little smiley face you can't tell what their true mood is. That's my 2 cents.
Old 04-07-11, 04:49 PM   #20
el payaso
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Default Re: Is it something in the water???

i think it's all of the above and the US, rudeness has come to be seen as a virtue or at least not a major negative attribute....look at how the term "rude dog" is actually often used as a compliment. i'm on a lot of forae with international membership, and the Canucks and Brits are rarely as obnoxious as the Amurrikins, even on hot-button topics.

it IS sad watching that Forum Which Shall Not Be Named Here devolve from a good resource into a kiddie fight over the sandbox......

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