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Old 12-02-09, 10:09 PM   #1
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Default Los Angeles - A Photo History...

I know that many of you here on the forum trace your roots back to the Southern California area and I hope that all of you can appreciate this walk back in time of Los Angeles in black and white...

Outside Los Angeles 1850

Los Angeles 1890

Bellevue Terrace Hotel 6th and Figueroa 1900

San Fernando Valley 1900

Santa Monica Beach 1900

The Port of Los Angeles 1900

Glendale 1900

Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks 1915

Venice Beach 1917
Old 12-02-09, 10:10 PM   #2
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Default Re: Los Angeles - A Photo History...

Here are some more...

Courthouse and Hall of Records 1920

Broadway and 6th 1920

13 Venice Beach 1920

Wilshire Blvd 1920

Pacific Electric Subway 1925

Chavez Ravine 1950

Evictions at Chavez Ravine 1959

Dodger Stadium Construction 1961

Bunker Hill Victorian Home 1969
Old 12-02-09, 10:18 PM   #3
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Red face Re: Los Angeles - A Photo History...

What fun! Thanks for posting these.
Old 12-03-09, 10:58 AM   #4
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Default Re: Los Angeles - A Photo History...

Growing up in So Cal those were fun to see. Most at bit before my time of course!

I do remember going to Disneyland when it was just completed and I remember driving for miles through orange groves to get there.

We now take a hike each weekend at Torrey Pines State Park and walk along a two lane concrete road which is narrower than Mex 1. It was the road my parents drove us down to San Diego from Long Beach on (Pacific Coast Highway).

Any of you boomers remember the Automobile Race Course at Torrey Pines?

Old 12-03-09, 03:36 PM   #5
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Default Re: Los Angeles - A Photo History...

Those are some really interesting photos. I'm not a native. I grew up in New York and came West a few years after the Dodgers did. But thanks to TV, even poor folks like me could get acquainted with LA. Think Dragnet. Or maybe even a bit farther out of town, the old Broderick Crawford series Highway Patrol. They used to shoot that along Rte 66 in the high desert. I did get to ride Angel's Flight before they "temporarily" shut it down. As a kid from New York, I was beguiled by the differences between there and LA. In my opinion, LA started to lose its unique identity and much of its charm in the mid-seventies.
Old 12-03-09, 04:54 PM   #6
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Default Re: Los Angeles - A Photo History...

Originally Posted by Bajahowodd
In my opinion, LA started to lose its unique identity and much of its charm in the mid-seventies.
I think it started a few years prior. The downtown LA I remember as a kids and today bare little resemblance...

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