Before you even think about buying property National land titles, ejidos, bank trusts and more...

Old 10-25-12, 11:08 PM   #1
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Default Welcome real estate legal expert Raphael Munoz!

One of the most knowlegable real estate legal experts in Baja California and Baja California Sur is Raphael Martinez Munoz. Raphael has been generous to the expat community with his legal knowledge in the past; and he has agreed to participate on TalkBaja as a legal expert. He is the only on-line expert I know of who volunteers his time to help potential homeowners and investors find safe real estate opportunites in Baja California and Baja California Sur.

Raphael is active on the BajaNomad website as Ramuma53. He has helped many expats with real estate legal information and support, including myself. Raphael is passionate as a real estate legal activist. Those of us who have followed his fascinating posts have learned a great deal about Mexican land laws and how to navigate the current powers and system. Raphael knows how politics and corruption can interfere with the safe and legal transfer of property rights.

On TalkBaja you have the ability to add documents in PDF format to your posts. We hope these documents will over time build a resource library for all potential investors in Baja California and Baja California Sur. We should all promote smart, informed investment for economic growth. No more Trump Baja or Punta Banda debacles!

It's my job as moderator to keep the flow of information going. This topic is always heated because people's real dollars and friends are involved. Challenge legal positions without making personal insults and post the links and supporting PDF documents to back your position when possible. Like BajaGringo said "Play Nice."

Welcome Raphael!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead to JFK (maybe)

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